When I saw your smile

Life is like reading a book
Always taken it for granted
We realize at the end
What did we really wanted
As regrets pour out like rain

Where can I be
When I move on
From the clutches of the past
Into the arms of present

What can be my future
When I leave my soul
In the ruins of the past
Before I get to open my present

Yearning for a love, as deep as the sky of blue sea
Adorned with a smile of mesmerizing twilights
In order to forget the prospect of looming nights
A world of life which has to be filled with rainbows of glee

I was taking a stride
Down the lane of bad phase
I did stumble upon a chase
Behind the light as a guide

The time was stopped
When I got out of the dark
My heart was stopped
When I saw your smile in lark

In front of me there is an Ocean
As big as the sky above us
I stood there without a clue
Until you came in front of me

You took my hand into yours
with a smile on your lips
Locking my eyes with your eyes
As a guiding star in the black sea of sky

You stood there taking me ahead
Enforcing to cross the daunting path
With your love and care as a support
Leaving me all alone once again

Round and round go my thoughts
All the time around your presence
Even in your complete absence
Wiring my heart to stop from going across
To reach you wherever and whenever

How I wish, being with you forever
Falling over and over for your peppiness
while I make fool out of myself, just for your smile
That rips away my breath all the time

In my turmoil heart
Time is passing on
For you to get on
O my dearest sweetheart


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