O my dearest, forever

A long walk along the border;
Lying between the heart and mind.
I am reminiscing strangely now.
How it shook me up at that time.

A presence of thin line divider;
Root cause of all confusion in me.

The trials I took to obviate the curtain,
Ended up tasting failures all over again.
Now, I wonder, why? I am on the stroll.
On the path which I decided to forget.

Little by little, it is getting clear.
From the haze, that is surrounded here.
Bit by bit, I found, losing my mind.
Over the breath taking beauty.
That got enshrined in my heart.

Like, in the middle of the Ocean.
Passing waves stirring up disturbances.
Do not stimulate my mind;
With the sweetest memories of you.

O my dearest, forever;
By being at center of my thoughts.

All these times, I was an egoist.
Chronic glances at u made me chivalric.
What fortunes, did my eyes had for such a feast!
Now, I am adorned with a jingoist fabric.

Anxious loneliness imbibed impassioned heartstrings.
The presence of you, in me, had turned it to passionate.

Moon light, is being seen, with full of feeling.
Smile is delighting the moment of assert.
Frolic glance of yours, elucidate the adoring.
Thrill of first touch, discovers rhythm of our heart.

Time may pass on like always.
My love on you, will never fade away.


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